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I grew up in West Africa – Dakar till we moved to Munich in Germany. Afterwards I attended the Elementary School of Queens in New York City, USA where I first experienced the American way of life. I was enrolled at the American School in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for my middle school and high – school years. This special mix of cultures: African, American, and Brazilian life styles combined with my German family values to give me an international perspective and an appreciation for inter-cultural communication. Even today, I still love travelling to my favourite destinations in Ireland, Great Britain, USA, Brazil and also to Paris to experience different cultures, people and their life styles.
International Curriculum Vitae
West Africa – Dakar : 1960 – 1965
Germany – München : 1965 – 1969
USA – New York City – Elementary School of Queens in New York : 1969 -1971
Brazil – Rio de Janeiro – Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro : 1971– 1978 High School Diploma
High School Foreign Languages:
English – 12 years, German – 4 years, French – 4 years, Portuguese – 8 years
Germany – Bodensee – Internat Schloss Salem 1978 -1979
I remember with fondness my younger years at what was the most exclusive private school in South America Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro, an international High School where I came into direct contact with the American way of life, its culture and its values. There I obtained an American High School Diploma – Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
After my high school years in Rio de Janeiro – I attended Internat Schloss Salem an international elite boarding school in Germany where I experienced an international elite school system in Germany. My favourite subjects in Salem were languages, psychology, literature and I loved sailing around the beautiful Bodensee . It was a great time at the Sailing Club Bodensee and an exclusive school experience with Internat Schloss Salem.
Later I continued my international educational studies of foreign languages, psychology, education in Brazil and United States within my Work & Study experience whereas my practical teaching experience within EFL is from 1978 till 2019 – a quite profound know-how of teaching English as a Foreign Language within university or international business communication. Moreover … I love lecturing in English … Psychology, Business Psychology, Gender Communication, Intercultural Communication and International Business English.
Beruflicher Werdegang
1978 – 2022 Practical Teaching Experience
International Academic Studies am Saint Joseph’s College, Ohio University und University of Washington (Academic University Certification, 90 ECTS im Bachelorstudiengang Erwachsenenbildung)
2000 – 2006
International Seminars for Foreign Language Teachers im Umfang von 120 Stunden mit Zertifizierung
ab 2005 Berufsbildungszentrum Fulda
2000 – 2008 University of Applied Sciences – Hochschule Fulda
ab September 2006
Januar 2018
Gründung von Bahlsen International Business Communication
Unsere Stärken sind Flexibilität im Umgang mit Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern und Eingehen auf spezielle Bedürfnisse einzelner Kursteilnehmer beziehungsweise Gruppen. Unsere Veranstaltungen bieten wir an in Konferenzräumen in Hotels, Seminareinrichtungen, aber auch in Ihrem Unternehmen (InHouse – Seminare).
Das International English Program & International Certifications wurde in Kooperation mit dem German American Chamber of Commerce (GACCNY), der deutsch-amerikanischen Außenhandelskammer für Wirtschaft in New York entwickelt und zertifiziert.
2019 bis 2022 Dozentin für Englisch bei Learnlight Group – Arenalingua GmbH
Wir stehen für 15 Jahre internationale Bildung!
Bahlsen International Business Communication
International English Program & International Certifications AHK New York
Certification International Education & Training
Director : Katja Bahlsen
Company Office Germany : Sonnenberger Straße 80C
65193 Wiesbaden – Germany
Tel : +49 (0) 611 – 20585289
Mobile : +49 (0) 0173 – 1520673
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